What is a jafflechute?
A jafflechute is a jaffle (delicious) attached to a parachute (soft landing). We're Melbourne's first float-down eatery.
Float-down eatery - is that a thing?It wasn't, but it is now. We're the first
Who are Jafflechutes? Are you a company?We're just people. Three people, specifically - Adam, David and Huw. We all like cheese and the Beatles and fresh laundry.
How do I get a jafflechute?Pay on PayPal, select a time (we'll let you know which hours we're working), stand on the 'X' marked outside [mystery location] at that time and await your jaffle to appear in the sky.
So I pay for a jaffle, and then you're going to throw it at me?Kind of like that, yep.
Video! Gimme video!Here's a video by the wonderful Klaus and Fritz. We love you, Klaus and Fritz.
I dont have PayPal! What do I do?Unfortunately we don't have a non-PayPal payment solution. We're investigating a 'throw money at us' option, but that idea has holes. Buzz us on Facebook or Twitter on the night and we may be able to magic up something.
I'm a vegetarian / allergictogluten / vegansuperhero / canteatpeanuts, can i still eat jaffles?If you're nice to us on Facebook, we'll make you a special jaffle, but we can't promise 100% that it won't kill you or corrupt your moral values.
Is this a joke?No.
Do you do events? Children's parties?We'd consider it.
What if my jafflechute gets caught in a tree?You'll probably get another. We don't recommend trying to get it back.
But I used to climb trees all the time when I was a kid.You're not a kid anymore. We'll give you another jaffle.
Have you ever lost a jafflechute in a tree?We lost a 'test' jafflechute - a Murakami novel.
That seems appropriate.That's what we said.
Has anyone ever been injured by a falling jafflechute?No. Don't climb the tree.
Why not parajaffles?Too threatening.
Why not jafflecopters?Too many moving parts.
Can I get other foods delivered to me via parachute?Not from us, but we've read about a beer delivery drone in South Africa and a burrito bomber that some crazy people in America made. We only do jaffles (sad face).
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